Why did I start Noremac Creative?

You might ask yourself, how did I get here?

I spent the last ten years as an in-house video producer and content specialist at various companies. This time was extremely valuable as it allowed me to hone in my video skills technically, and it gave me experience in the business world. As a young film school graduate, I landed a job at a travel and tourism company not long after I left school. It was here that I first learned about content marketing. I thought to myself, here is an outlet where I can apply some of my skills that I have learned.

One of the hardest things for a film school graduate, or any graduate for that matter is deciding what to do after graduation. The classic saying, “get a job” is a lot easier said than done, and ten years ago there were even less opportunities in the field of video production than there are now. So, I was pretty excited that I was going to get paid to make videos in any fashion when I first started. I dove head first into learning about content marketing. I knew that if I aligned my content with the goals of the business, I could create videos (which is what I loved to do) and help my employers at the same time. It was a good trade off.


One of the hard lessons that I had to learn, especially working in the tech industry, is that marketing positions are more prone to layoffs than other positions. Especially, if the role is more specialized than a general marketing position. In the span of these last ten years, I have been laid off three times. In July of 2018, I founded my LLC, Daniel Glock Visual. Initially, I created this LLC as a means to do freelance video production work. I had just gone through my second layoff and I was freelancing for income as I looked for a new in-house position. Daniel Glock Visual would be the basis for what would eventually become Noremac Creative.

Coupled with the layoffs, I found that working in-house came with some limitations. Often, operational hierarchies could hinder the creative process. Furthermore, I had found myself managing other aspects of the marketing and communications functions that were likely better suited for someone else. Things like email marketing and SEO. While these experiences were valuable to my growth and knowledge, they were not applicable to my expertise which was video production. There are many benefits to having an in-house video producer, but one of the challenges that many in-house producers face is that the doldrums of video production are not accepted by the companies that employ them. This leads many video producers and their superiors to search for ways to fill up more of their time with day to day tasks or projects that might not have anything to do with video production. I was one such producer who had fallen into other areas. It brought me to the point where I was considering moving away from video production entirely, and devoting myself to a more general content marketing career. I had also come to a point where it felt like my videos were formulaic. I was efficient and the videos were high-quality, but my love and passion for video production wasn’t there like it was when I first started.


In the summer of 2023, I was laid off again. There was less video production at this role than any other position in my career. It spurred me to do a lot of self-reflection and consideration for the future. Did I want to continue as a marketer and further my career in a traditional marketing career path? Should I start my own content marketing agency? In my life, I have tended to listen to my gut when I come to crossroads. Previously, my gut had told me to find in-house roles at companies, but now my gut was telling me to build my own agency. In fact, my initial idea for Noremac is that it would be an organic marketing agency. Primarily focused on building and consulting in-house content teams and creating organic content strategies for organizations. But I thought back to what sparked me to go down this path in the beginning, and that was filmmaking. Storytelling through moving images. I began shooting again, and most importantly I was enjoying shooting again. I knew that I could provide the most value, and help the most people through video production and filmmaking. And so, Noremac became what it is today. We launched officially in November, 2023.

Noremac Creative

Our mission is to enable businesses to leverage their existing expertise to create meaningful and lasting relationships with their customers. We utilize the medium of video to achieve this mission. Video is personal, interactive, and inviting for customers. It humanizes brands, and familiarizes customers and prospects with the companies they are considering doing business with. In this new age of AI generated content, it is now more important than ever to humanize your brand, develop trust, and create relationships with your customers. Video more than any other medium can help you achieve this.

On a personal level, Noremac has invigorated me creatively. I feel the love and passion for filmmaking that I had when I began. Noremac enables me to help people share their passions with the world, and I am grateful to be able to help in this way.

Daniel Glock