The pros and cons of creating a video in-house vs. outsourcing

The truth is that anyone can create their own video. With the plethora of tools and resources available to everyone, it is now easier than ever to create beautiful videos with little to no experience. The greatest investment into any video production will be time. If you choose to create a video yourself and you have no knowledge of where to begin, you will be making a massive investment of time into learning how to create and share a video. 

Since many companies do not have the time to invest into learning how to create videos, they often hire professional producers in-house to create content. They may also outsource to a video production or creative agency. Before starting Noremac, I worked as an in-house producer for over a decade in various companies and industries. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages to producing content in-house vs outsourcing your content to an agency.

In-House Production (Without hiring a specialist)

Your team has decided to create a video on your own without hiring a professional. That’s great! One of the greatest advantages of this type of content is that it is often authentic and unique as it has been created by the folks who care deeply about the subject matter. This can translate well with customers as it gives a brand personality and establishes trust. There are some common disadvantages with choosing this route. The major one being underestimating the complexities of making your vision translate into a finished video. Good videos are hard to produce. Many projects are started but never see the finish line because companies underestimate the logistical and technical complexities of video production.

In-House Production (With specialist)

So you’ve decided to hire someone and dedicate video production as one of their duties. Awesome! This is a great way to get a lot of content produced for your company. This is also a good route to establish a visual style and create familiarity for your audience. In-house producers can also get a strong sense of your brand and business as they are part of it themselves. However, many companies may not have the content need to make the investment in a full-time employee.

Outsourcing to an Agency

Choosing this route can take much of the legwork out of the production for you. An agency will deliver a video for you from concept to publication. You can be as involved or hands-off of a project as you would like to be. You will receive a professional asset. Agencies have a creative advantage in being able to have a more objective point of view going into a project than an in-house employee has. Furthermore, they are less restricted by internal bureaucracies than in-house employees are. Hiring an agency can be a substantial investment, and the most prevalent problem I have encountered with agencies is that the clients expectations are not being met. If you choose an agency, make sure that your expectations are clear and the work is outlined in detail. 

Which method of video creation is right for you? If you would like to chat more about your options, send me a message with the button below and I will answer any questions you have.

Daniel Glock